Advertisement No.: MDL ATS/02/2023: Selection of 466 Nos. Trade Apprentices for the year 2023 under the Apprentices Act 1961 in MDL- Apprentice Training School (ATS)
Online Applications are invited from Indian Nationals from 05 July 2023 (Wednesday) to 26 July 2023 (Wednesday) for the selection of Trade Apprentices, in the following trades:-
Group 'A' (10th Class Passed) - Non ITI
Draftsman (Mechanical
Pipe Fitter
Structural Fitter
Group 'B' (I.T.I. Passed)
Fitter Structural (Ex. ITI Fitter)
Electronic Mechanic
Pipe Fitter
Group 'C' (8th Class Passed) - Non ITI
Welder (Gas & Electric)
Important Instructions and other Information:
- The application process for Apprenticeship in MDL is completely online. Applicants are advised to visit MDL Website Recruitment -Apprentice or scan QR Code-Applicants can register by clicking on Create New Account marked in Apprentice section. then login to the account and apply.
- For details regarding Application Process, Reservation, Selection Process & other information related to training, please read Rules & Regulation available on the website
- After 26 July, 2023 (Wednesday), new applications cannot be made and pending/incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Applicants can contact the helpline number 022-23764151/4155 from 08:30 am to 04:30 pm from Monday to Friday for any other problem related to online registration and application.
- Application Fee (Non-refundable) is Rs. 100 + Bank Charges, which is applicable to General (UR/ OBC/ EWS/AFC Category applicants. It will be paid online only.
- Application fees once paid will not be refunded.
- Applicants belonging to SC, ST and Divyang category are exempted from payment of application fee but it will be mandatory for them to upload the copy of their valid caste/Divyang certificate along with the online application, otherwise the application will not be accepted.
- MDL reserves the right to fill/reduce/increase or cancel all the vacancies advertised or part of at any time during the recruitment process. MDL reserves the right to cancel/modifv/restrict/increase/change the recruitment process without issuing and further notice or without assigning any reason.
- Any further Information/Corrigendum/Addendum would be uploaded only on MDL website.
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